15 years ago a walked into newcastle town centre crying and had a cup of tea with my friend jill...it was truly a surreal part of my life, i remember the spinning feeling that the world had been assaulting me with for the previous 10 years just dissipated, everything seemed hushed even though it kept on turning...when i got back to my house everyone didn't know what to do, i suggested we all go let off some steam, we'd spent so much time with each other waiting, waiting, waiting and when it happened we really had no place for ourselves...so we went out...out on our own hazy path, i ended up playing music here alongside him...at the end of the night sasha asked me if i was the guy that has cleared his floor...it's odd what you remember...i remember playing this...i woke up amid all my amazing friends sprawled out all over my house, usually that would be the point that my mum would have rounded everyone up and made tea for the wounded but not that morning.
15 years goes by so fast...some things feel like they just happened.
alison kate sankarayya, 15th october 1942 - 28th may 1994.x
i know that my mum would love the person i love.